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Bakera Minahasan Ritual

( Idr 150.000 - 30 minutes )

During this Minahasan authentic traditional spa treatment, you will sit in a chair covered with blanket only, a pot with boiled ingredients will be placed under the seat. In this treatment we use special natural ingredients such as medical herbs, fruits and natural aromatic ingredients (leaves of clove, banana, mango, betel, dukung anak, balacai, sesewanua, tawaang and others, as well as ginger, cinnamon, garlic, nutmeg, lemon suangi, soursop, and guava leaves).  These natural substances will increase the body’s immunity, reduce pain and aches and will stimulate relaxed feeling.



( Idr 150.000 - 30 minutes )

 Bathing in a special mineral salt composition to release tiredness, calming the nervous system, stiff muscles and to reduce swelling. The scent from essential oil is relaxing the mind.


Vacuum Cupping

( Idr 100.000 - 30 minutes )

 Suction cups are placed at various points on the body to create a vacuum and to withdraw toxins. This stimulates the person’s protective energy and consequently their immune system. It is used to treat colds, lung infections and problems in internal organs. It is also used to treat muscle and joint pain and spasms, particularly in the back.



Gua Sha

( Idr 50.000 - 30 minutes )

 The essence of Gua Sha is the scraping of the back and other areas to release blocked qi (energy) and to cure other illnesses. Gua means “to scrape” and Sha means “red skin rash” (in other words, the result of Gua). Gua sha is used to cure common cold, flu, bronchitis, asthma, headaches, fever, as well as chronic disorders involving pain and blocked qi.



Ear Candle

( Idr 50.000 - 30 minutes )

Relieve your stress and find our inner peace through our ear candling treatment. The application process of ear candle is that one end of the candle is put into ear and another end is lighted, under theory of vacuum the heat energy produced will gradually enter the ear, loose the earwax and eliminate it. It is effective in reducing earache, itchiness of ears, headache, migraine, ear noise, stress, and nervous tension.


Reiki Healing

Idr 125.000 - 60 minutes

During this treatment we apply low impulse electric acupuncture system on specific parts of your body to help you feel relaxed, to relieve muscle tension and fatique, and to increase blood circulation, reduce discomfort in the body, and to boost the immune system.

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